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Lastmile Communications signs five-year strategic channel agreement with healthcare solutions provider

English · Зарубежные

13.09.2006, CForum.ru

J4 MediSmart estimates the potential deployment of up to 236,000 WDirect Nodes for Innovative Information Technology Applications in the U.S. Healthcare Market

EXETER, UK / RALEIGH, NC – September 13, 2006 – LastMile Communications (www.lastmilecoms.com), an innovative provider of secure, edge-of-network wireless content delivery solutions, has signed a strategic partnering agreement with J4 MediSmart, Inc., a subsidiary of J4 Technologies, Inc. (www.j4tec.com)

Under the terms of the agreement, J4 MediSmart projects to purchase and deploy up to 236,000 WDirectTM Information Nodes over the next five years for use in unique applications in the U.S. healthcare market.

Partnering with J4 MediSmart and interfacing with its eMediSmart Card for clinical and financial data creates an important opportunity to deliver the LastMile WDirect nodes into key target markets,” says Antony Abell, CEO of LastMile Communications. “Healthcare facilities will leverage the combined technologies to improve administration and the delivery of healthcare and associated services. This offers the opportunity to substantially improve their cost effectiveness and efficiency while enabling revenue generation, which can provide a payback on the cost of the related wireless infrastructure.”

J4 MediSmart has extensive knowledge regarding the electronic automation of routines, and the reduction of costs associated with the administration of medical records. J4 MediSmart, an emerging technology innovator in this field, is working with healthcare officials for the acceptance of wireless delivery of information and support of patients in the healthcare environment.

Critical healthcare decision-making requires secure access to biometrically identified patients, accurate personal information, their medical records, prescriptions and insurance to provide quality care.

Wireless solutions can help caregivers improve their decision-making ability by providing on-demand access to this data including up-to-date test results, current vital signs and appointment schedules for referrals and further tests, including location of the patient on the medical campus,” says Skip Ballou, President, LastMile USA, Inc., a Raleigh, NC based, wholly owned subsidiary of LastMile Communications. “By sharing real-time data, health information exchanges can pinpoint potential situations before they reach a crisis.”

LastMile's WDirect Information Node securely stores patient data profiles and records, making them quickly and easily accessible through handheld devices or wearable PCs. Even rich media content can be locally stored and made available as a patient moves within the healthcare campus.

J4 MediSmart's Portable Health Information Technology, interfaced with the LastMile's WDirect Information Nodes, will result in a low-cost, high-performance, decentralized, wireless information distribution and dissemination platform for delivery of healthcare related content and services.

LastMile's technology is a natural fit with the J4 MediSmart technology to provide the solutions the federal government and our healthcare clients are seeking to enable collaboration and sharing of information, thus reducing the cost of healthcare delivery,” says Dirk Joubert, CEO, J4 MediSmart, Inc. “We're already seeing strong interest from healthcare facilities and first responders who want to incorporate the J4/LastMile technology into their broader wireless information technology strategies.”

LastMile Communications' patented wireless networking solution stores and processes content locally, enabling content downloads at speeds significantly faster and at a lower bandwidth cost than non-cached mobile networks. Content can be customized to a geographical location, creating a wireless information channel for users applicable to the medical campus.


© CForum.ru , company's press-release


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