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Mobile Monday Ukraine opens a new season

English · Встречи · СНГ

09.01.2007, CForum.ru

Mobile Monday Ukraineinvites you to become a participant of the first in 2007 MoMo conference in Kiev on January 22.

Dear colleagues!

Mobile Monday Ukraine opens a new season and invites you to become a participant of the first in 2007 MoMo conference in Kiev on January 22 where we will discuss one of the most urgent topics of the Ukrainian mobile market: "The development of VAS market in Ukraine based on international experience".

In the programme:

  • Presentations of the speakers from famous companies
  • Open discussion
  • Press-conference with mass-media
  • Announcement of the company-finalist of the Ukrainian selection tour Mobile Monday Global Peer Awards 2007
  • Networking, drinks and snack

Among the conference speakers:

  • Dimitri Francois, GAMELOFT, Business Development Manager (Russia and Ukraine), (the speech topic: "Why VAS must be a high quality driven & mass market?")
  • Aleksey Danilin, iKS-Consulting, Senior Analyst, (the speech topic: "How The Non-Voice Sounds: Trends, Developments and Strategies in Ukraine's VAS-Market.")
  • Roman Savvin, Kyivstar, Head of m-Commerce and mobile content development, (the speech topic: "The Development Perspectives of WAP Services in Ukraine.")

More detailed information about the speakers is available on our website http://mobilemonday.com.ua

The time and the place of the conference will be announced later. We will provide you with all the necessary information in the next e-mail.

Please, send me the confirmation of your participation in the event on January 22 – we will include you in the guest-list.

If you haven't registered for the conference on January 22 yet, you are welcome to do it using the link http://mobilemonday.com.ua/registration.html

In case you have any questions, please, contact the organizers of the project via e-mail: info@mobilemonday.com.ua or give us a call: +38 066 3138802.

We will be happy to see you at the conference!

Best wishes,
Julia Palatovska
Mobile Monday Ukraine Organizer
Head of PR Department

M: +380 66 3138802
Skype: palatovska
ICQ: 316-250-214

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