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Cartoon Network mobile TV soon will be available to Orange subscribers across Europe

English · Маркетинг · Мобильное ТВ

23.08.2006, CForum.ru

Turner Broadcasting System Europe Limited today announces the exciting news that Cartoon Network mobile TV will soon be available to Orange subscribers across Europe, following a successful deal with France Telecom.

The collaboration with France Telecom, means Orange subscribers across 7 key markets in Europe will be able to watch a daily updated and localized selection of fast paced, cutting edge Cartoon Network shows via their handsets, wherever and whenever they like! The deal furthermore gives an additional 6 markets the option to launch the service at a later stage in 2006/2007.

Whether it’s the sweet-talking, bicep-bulging Johnny Bravo sweeping the ladies of their feet or the scientific world of Dexter’s Laboratory, people on buses, at school, in parks or in the office will have smiles on their faces as they tune in via their mobile phones, having the freedom to enjoy TV entertainment on the go!

Phil Lawrie, Vice President Commercial Distribution & Digital Media Sales for Turner Broadcasting, said, "We at Turner are delighted to have reached an agreement with Orange to launch our Cartoon Network mobile TV service across 7 markets in Europe with a further 6 markets likely to come on-board a bit further down the line. Orange has demonstrated that it understands the ingredients necessary to launch and operate a successful mobile TV platform. With Cartoon Network’s world famous kids’ favourites, such as The Powerpuff Girls and Codename Kids Next Door, we look forward to entertaining a whole new audience of Orange users and playing our part in developing Orange’s mobile TV success story!"

Cartoon Network Mobile TV will launch this fall on the mobile platforms.

  • Orange Poland
  • Orange Romania
  • Mobistar (Belgium)
  • Orange Slovakia
  • Orange UK
  • Optimus (Portugal)
  • Orange Spain (Amena)

Additional markets with the option to launch the service :

  • Orange France
  • Orange Netherlands
  • Orange Switzerland
  • Orange Moldava
  • MobileCom, Jordan
  • MobiNil, Egypt
  • Cartoon Network Mobile TV

A 115 minutes block has been scheduled on different Cartoon Network feeds. The block is down-linked by the operator/ aggregator, digitized into a compatible format and then pushed out onto the operator network. The content is looped throughout the day to create a 24 hour channel and refreshed daily. The content is comprised of Cartoon Network Original shows only.

Cartoon Network Mobile TV is currently available in the UK on Vodafone, Sky by Mobile, Orange, 3 and ROK TV. In the rest of Europe it’s available on 3 Ireland, 3 Italy and TMN Portugal.

There are 17 Cartoon Network Java games available on 70 operators throughout EMEA. The current titles can be found in the attached PowerPoint document.

The games are compatible with Java enabled handsets and are created by Glu mobile. There are approximately 180 wallpapers and 12 ringtones compatible with WAP, Java and imode phones.



Danielle Woods, PR Coordinator PAN & CEE
Turner Broadcasting
16 Great Marlborough Street

Tel: 0207 693 0787 www.europe.turnerInfo.com

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